What Is a Keylogger?

Keyloggers are a type of malware that is downloaded onto a device through an entry point. Entry points can be infected software, emails, files or cloud programs. When keylogging software gets installed on a victim’s device, it logs every keystroke to gather login credentials and other sensitive information.

How Keyloggers Work

Keyloggers require an entry point to the device where it will record keystrokes. There are two ways keyloggers get installed onto devices– through hardware or software. Hardware almost always requires a person to install, so if that’s how it was installed, it’s likely that the keylogger came from an insider.

Most keyloggers are installed through software. Software downloaded from the web or untrusted sources makes for an easy entry point for all types of malware, including keyloggers. Many keyloggers have rootkit capabilities, meaning they’re disguised behind legitimate-looking software, so they’re harder to detect.

How Keyloggers Work
Why Keyloggers Are a Threat

Why Keyloggers Are a Threat

Keyloggers are dangerous because they’re difficult to detect and very effective at what they do. If you’re reusing passwords, a keylogger will quickly pick up on that, exposing the login credentials to multiple accounts.

Keyloggers can be incredibly accurate, which makes them especially dangerous. Many keyloggers go undetected for long periods of time, recording activity on the keyboard and giving the cybercriminal an intimate look into the victim’s online activity.

A simple keylogger can store information from a single login or multiple sites and accounts, depending on the software. Because keyloggers are difficult to detect, it makes them a serious threat to businesses, individuals and governments.

How Do Keyloggers Get Installed?

Here are a few ways keyloggers get installed on devices.

Trojan horse

Trojan horse

A Trojan horse is a virus that is especially tricky and effective because it uses legitimate software to install itself on a device. Users download the software, and once they run the executable installer, the Trojan is installed.

Keyloggers are often installed through the Trojan horse virus. Some Trojans are undetectable by conventional cybersecurity and antivirus software and can remain embedded in a system for months or even years before they’re found.

A system is usually infected through hardware connections. For example, an insider might install the keylogger virus with a hard drive or portable drive. These infected systems are difficult to remediate because they can take multiple scans and high-level antivirus software to remove the virus.

Phishing emails

Phishing emails

Phishing emails are some of the most common and effective methods of delivering malware to a device. Using social engineering, phishers can convince victims to click malicious links or download dangerous software through fear and manipulation.

You’ve likely received a phishing email at some point. It may have been an offer that seemed too good to be true or a threat about money owed, and if not paid, action would be taken against you. These emails have a high success rate, making them a favorite delivery vehicle for keylogger viruses.

Webpage script

Webpage script

Webpage script is the code that makes a website function. Sometimes, cybercriminals use web scripts to deliver viruses to people who visit the site. The script is coded to automatically download software or browser extensions when a connection is made. This method is typically paired with phishing emails or smishing (SMS phishing) to entice victims to follow malicious links.

How Do I Know If I Have a Keylogger?

Detecting a keylogger infection is the first step to removing it, but not all keyloggers are easy to detect with basic antivirus software. The signs of a keylogger aren’t always immediately obvious, but a good place to start is monitoring your computer’s behavior.

If you notice slower performance, strange software you didn’t download, connection delays or excessive drive use, it’s time to check for viruses. Perform a full virus scan with antivirus software to see if it finds anything malicious.

You can also check your computer’s processes through the command prompt to find suspicious activity. Access the task manager on Windows with Ctrl+Alt+Delete (Ctrl+Alt+Esc on Mac) and look closer at your running applications. Are there any programs that don’t belong? If so, you can run the program pathway through your antivirus or delete it completely from your computer. Keylogger malware will almost always require an antivirus program to delete permanently. If all else fails, you can seek professional help.

How To Mitigate the Risk of Keyloggers

  • Always check your software

    Before deciding to download software, verify the software publisher, read certified reviews and run any downloads through your antivirus software. Most illegitimate software is automatically deleted by antivirus programs if they detect an uncommon third-party signature.

  • Learn to spot phishing scams

    Phishing scams are one of the most effective ways to infect a system with keylogging software. Don’t open unsolicited emails or messages from people you don’t know and never download strange attachments.

  • Keep your antivirus updated

    Staying up to date with the latest virus detection allows your device to stay protected against the most up-to-date threats. Be sure to update your antivirus software frequently. If you don’t already have antivirus software installed on your computer, one noteworthy option is McAfee.

How Can I Protect Myself From Keyloggers?

How Can I Protect Myself From Keyloggers?

Keylogger attacks are common, effective and dangerous. Protecting yourself and your business from this type of attack is important in a world where cybercrimes cause billions in damages every year. Remember to regularly update your antivirus software, watch out for phishing scams and consistently monitor your device for strange activity. Antivirus software should be used at least once per week, or every day, if possible.

For further protection, you should also use a password manager. A password manager is a tool that aids you in creating, managing and securely storing your passwords and other sensitive data. Password managers can help keep you protected from keyloggers since they autofill your credentials for you, meaning you won’t need to manually type them. Even if a keylogger gets installed on your device, cybercriminals won’t be able to learn your passwords because you don’t type them when logging into your accounts.

Keeper Protects You, Your Family and Your Business Against Keyloggers

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