
Switch to Keeper for Business and Save

Switch your business from any other password manager to Keeper and we’ll match or beat your price* plus give you one month free!

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*Not all password managers are eligible, refer to eligibility criteria below.
Offer valid through March 31, 2021.

Why Switch to Keeper?

More Reliable Uptime and Availability of Hosting

Keeper is hosted on AWS with a 99.99% commitment for uptime and availability. Other password managers are hosted on their own custom data-centers, which cause repeated downtime.

More Reliable Uptime and Availability of Hosting

Keeper Has the Best Customer Service and Support

Customers often switch to Keeper because they previously received poor support or none at all. Keeper knows that your questions matter and gives you the option to speak to a live person over the phone. Keeper live support is available 24x7. Keeper also offers product training and onboarding with your subscription.

Market-Leading Security Infrastructure

Keeper is the most secure password manager and has the longest standing SOC2 and ISO27001 certification in the industry.

More Flexibility

More Flexibility

Keeper has flexible capabilities for provisioning and managing users, roles and teams. The overall organisational structure of the Enterprise Admin Console in Keeper is more robust than that of our competitors and fits into any size business. Keeper's node or team structure combined with customisable role-based permissions provides the most flexible solution to any organisation.

Seamless Account Transfer Feature

Keeper ensures that when an employee leaves your company or is unable or unwilling to access their vault, the data contained within is not lost. With Keeper’s Account Transfer feature, you can transfer their vault to another user. This assures they are not leaving with any sensitive data and you are not locked out from retrieving it.

Seamless Account Transfer Feature

See How Keeper Beats Other Business & Enterprise Password Managers

Trusted by millions of people and thousands of businesses

Ready to get Keeper? Easily switch now.

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Eligibility Criteria

This offer is valid with proof of your current subscription rate with a competing provider. Keeper identifies its competitors as other vendors of proprietary password management software with material market share. Free or open-source password management solutions are not eligible for this promotion. Keeper reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any offers.

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