2022 US Cybersecurity Census Report

Understand the transforming landscape of cybersecurity in the United States – including the growing threats organizations face and the strategies used to overcome them.

Voir le rapport

Éléments clés

Cyberattaques et impacts

Les cyberattaques impactent sévèrement les entreprises, quel que soit leur taille ou leur secteur, et ne montrent aucun signe d'affaiblissement.

Conclusions : The average cost of a cyberattack was over $75,000.

Outils et investissements en cybersécurité

Despite awareness of growing threats, organizations are falling short in cybersecurity investments and tools, leaving them exposed.

Conclusions : 30% of respondents leave it entirely to employees to set their own passwords.

Le leadership en cybersécurité

The majority of the C-suite recognizes how essential cybersecurity is for their business, but struggle to source the skilled workforce needed.

Conclusions : 39% of respondents see rising external threats as one of their top 3 concerns.

La cybersécurité dans la culture de l'entreprise

Les dirigeants informatiques doivent entretenir une culture de transparence et de compréhension des concepts principaux de cybersécurité.

Conclusions : Almost half (48%) of respondents have been aware of a cyberattack and not reported it.

"This research demonstrates that cyberattacks present a profound threat. Preventative measures, in the form of investment, education, and cultural shifts, will be essential for businesses to drive resilience and protect their organizations from cybercriminals."

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