Ease of use, great customer service, and support, more features than any other vendor in the market.
— Security Office , Large Enterprise Telecommunications Service Company
Las estrictas políticas de conformidad, el registro de eventos, las notificaciones y los informes protegen el entorno de control interno del cliente.
El cliente tiene pleno conocimiento, gestión y control de sus credenciales y claves de cifrado.
Ease of use, great customer service, and support, more features than any other vendor in the market.
— Security Office , Large Enterprise Telecommunications Service Company
Keeper provides high security while providing an easy to use and very well-designed interface. Another big plus is that it runs on all devices.
— Chief Information Officer, Medium Enterprises Transportation Services Company
We have improved password complexity, solved security issues, and more securely share logins that are role specific.
— Corey Gillespie, Chief Information Offer, P.F. Markey
Valorado como n.º 1 en satisfacción del cliente.