Keeper Security G2

G2 Competitive Comparison Report

Keeper is highly rated on G2! Download the Competitive Comparison Report and learn why G2 users love using Keeper over competitors.

G2 Leader Winter 2020G2 Users Love UsRead our reviews on G2

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G2, the world's leading business software review platform, leverages real business user reviews to drive better purchasing decisions.

G2, the world's leading business software review platform, leverages real business user reviews to drive better purchasing decisions.

In this report, you’ll learn the following:

  • How Keeper stacks up against competitors in different categories like ease of administration, quality of support, usability, and more
  • Where Keeper ranks in the G2 Grid for password manager software
  • What G2 users are saying about their experience with Keeper

About G2 Customer Satisfaction Ratings

Keeping ratings unbiased is G2’s top priority. G2 requires the use of a LinkedIn account or verified business email address to validate a user’s identity and employer. Additionally, all reviews are manually checked by their team. Only the opinion of real users and data from public sources factor into ratings.

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