Start Your 14-Day Free Trial
Get powerful, one-click, zero-trust access to your remote infrastructure today. No credit card required.
Built by the creators of the Apache Guacamole platform. No client or agent required and works on any standard browser—including mobile.

Your Free Trial Includes:
- Instant, Low-Latency Remote Connections
- Agentless and Clientless Sessions
- Native Support for RDP, K8s, MySQL, VNC, etc.
- Remote Browser Isolation
- Active Directory, SSO and OpenID Integration
- Role-Based Access Controls
- Session Recording and Audit Records
Securely access your machines from anywhere
Keeper Connection Manager is an agentless remote desktop gateway that can be installed in any on-premise or cloud environment.
Lightning Fast and Responsive
Simple Access Controls
Easy to Implement
No special client to install, no plugins and absolutely no concurrency limits.
Setup Keeper Connection Manager on your network, whether on-premise or in the cloud.
Easily connect to a machine from anywhere using your web browser.
Designed to be integrated with many third-party systems and protocols.
Trusted by millions of people.
Keeper Connection Manager was built by the creators of the Apache Guacamole platform having over 10 million users.