Some common cyber threats facing the retail industry include ransomware attacks, social engineering, system intrusions and insider threats. The retail sector is often targeted by cybercriminals
End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) is a method of transferring data securely from your device to another person’s device while protecting information from any third parties. In general, encryption refers to the process of data being converted from a readable format into ciphertext, which is blocks of random characters that are unreadable to people and machines. Once your data has been encrypted, it can only be read after being decrypted with an encryption key. E2EE is different from regular encryption because your data is more private by ensuring only the intended recipient can decrypt your data, rather than a service provider or third party having access.
Continue reading to learn more about what E2EE does, how it works and the benefits of using E2EE to secure your data.
What does end-to-end encryption do?
E2EE maintains your privacy by allowing only you and your intended recipient to read any messages or data sent back and forth. When you send a message to someone through E2EE, your message will transform from something you can read into a secret code of ciphertext that only your desired recipient can unlock with an encryption key. E2EE secures data from one endpoint device to another – hence the name “end” to “end” – so only people on either device can read a message. This eliminates the possibility of someone gaining unauthorized access to your messages and other data.
How does end-to-end encryption work?
Only someone with a specific encryption key can decrypt your message with E2EE. Imagine Albert sends Betty a message, but on its way to Betty, Carol intercepts the message. If Albert encrypted his message with an encryption key that both he and Betty have, Carol will be unable to read the message and Albert’s privacy remains intact. If Albert’s message eventually reaches Betty, she can decrypt the message using the specific encryption key that they share to read Albert’s message.
Many messaging apps utilize E2EE to ensure that your message only goes to the person you intended to receive it. Using the example above, let’s imagine Albert sends Betty a message on an E2EE messaging app. The app will save a public encryption key on both Albert’s and Betty’s phones. Whenever Albert uses the messaging app to send an encrypted message to Betty, her phone will automatically apply a private encryption key to decrypt the message, allowing only her to view it. By storing a private encryption key on Betty’s device, there is no way Albert’s message can be accessed through a cloud server or by an unauthorized user. Therefore, E2EE is a strong way of communicating and transferring data without jeopardizing anyone’s privacy.
The benefits of implementing end-to-end encryption
E2EE has many benefits that make it a useful way to secure your data and protect you against many cyber threats, such as Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks.
Data security
Your data will be significantly more secure when you implement E2EE because your communication will stay private, giving you greater control over who can see your information. Since only you as the sender and your intended recipient can view your messages with E2EE, no one will be able to intercept and successfully decipher your data without the appropriate encryption keys.
Messages sent between you and your intended recipient will stay private with E2EE, meaning no cloud server, data collection company or hacker can access your data. If someone somehow managed to intercept your encrypted message, it would remain private because only a recipient with the encryption key can decrypt it. By implementing E2EE, your messages will be more confidential, with control over who can view your private data.
Reduces the risk of a data breach
The risk of a data breach is significantly reduced by using E2EE because encrypting a message protects it as it travels from your device to your intended recipient’s device. Even if a hacker intercepts your message, the data will be meaningless without the encryption key to decipher it. E2EE also helps protect your data if you are connected to unsecured public WiFi networks because unauthorized users cannot access any of your messages without an encryption key.
Protects intellectual property
Implementing E2EE keeps your intellectual property safe and out of the wrong hands by ensuring your data remains under your control. Since your messages and data remain private, E2EE ensures your intellectual property will only be seen by whoever you intend to view it. If your message is intercepted by a hacker or unintended recipient, they will be unable to steal your intellectual property without the encryption key.
What happens when you turn off end-to-end encryption?
Turning off E2EE will increase security risks and jeopardize your privacy in communicating with others. Overall, disabling E2EE on any messaging app will make your data more vulnerable to unauthorized access. Without E2EE, your messages can be seen by service providers, third parties or hackers who intercept your data as it’s being sent. Since your service provider could see your messages without E2EE enabled, your data may be stored and potentially shared with others, decreasing your privacy. Turning off E2EE also means someone could compromise your online messaging accounts, such as WhatsApp, and see your old messages.
Keep your data safe with end-to-end encryption
No matter what your messages contain, they deserve to be private and protected with secure encryption. Using E2EE keeps your data safe from third parties, service providers, cloud servers and hackers because only those with the specific encryption key can access and read it. Be sure to enable E2EE whenever possible on your messaging apps and other online accounts to protect your privacy and security.